Featuring Keynote Speaker:

Steve "Safari Dude" Fredlund

From Minnesota to Rwanda, he brings thirty years of leadership success. Steve’s personal safari mission is to help great leaders and their teams enjoy an epic safari by getting the right peeps in their jeeps and in the right seats. 

KEYNOTE SESSION 1:  Roaring Success with the Right Peeps in the Jeep

KEYNOTE SESSION 2:  The Unright Thing:  from Expected to Extraordinary

Thursday AM Keynote Session

Roaring Success with the Right Peeps in the Jeep

The leadership adventure is filled with ups & downs, highs & lows, knowns and unknowns; it is the very nature of leadership. As we embrace this adventure like an African safari , we find ourselves more engaged, less burnt out, and more fulfilled. And with the “right peeps in our jeeps” we experience greater success through teams with
improved productivity, engagement and retention. Known as “The Safari Dude”, Steve Fredlund uses compelling stories from the savannah to invite us on an epic adventure to reignite our passion and increase our success... The Safari Way.


The participants will be able to:

  • Assess their current hiring strategies, identifying if they hire potential or hire for actual contribution
  • Recognize alignment and connection as key drivers of productivity, engagement and retention
  • Be equipped to take tangible next steps to build a more productive team

Friday Keynote/Closing Session

The Unright Thing: From Expected to Extraordinary

Year after year the status quo continues; things are going as expected and results are fine. But we long for a taste of the extraordinary; to experience a breakthrough that moves us beyond our current, predictable situation. But we don't realize we are holding to the incorrect, long-held belief that the extraordinary is the result of consistently doing everything right. We have worked hard and invested heavily in building the right solutions, developing the right
strategies, implementing the right processes, and creating the right communications. The cumulative effect of all of these right decisions is not the extraordinary; it is the expected. Steve studied extraordinary people and organizations and has found that the chief catalyst for the
extraordinary is having the courage to do The Unright Thing TM . This talk unpacks the process to do The Unright Thing TM in our life, work and leadership, and how to practice the approach to create a more innovative culture in our organizations. In our rapidly changing world where new technology is replacing knowledge-based skills, the ability
to do The Unright Thing TM will not only keep us relevant but will open the doors to extraordinary opportunities.


The participants will be able to:

  • Understand the three steps of or The Unright Thing TM process, with easy ways to start implementing.
  • Have passion and hope re-ignited about achieving the extraordinary in life, work and leadership.
  • Be equipped to implement changes leading to a culture featuring more innovation, greater engagement and regular breakthroughs.


About the Speaker:  Steve is an award-winning actuary with 25 years of experience in Fortune 500s including leadership roles in investments, product management and HR Workforce Analytics, where his research uncovered disruptive truths about the real drivers of productivity, engagement and retention. He is now a sought after speaker and coach empowering others toward greater success and happiness.

Concerned that he is a former actuary who delivers keynotes? Well, worry no more! Steve is an actuarial unicorn: funny, engaging and deeply connects with his audience -- he was once referred to as "The only actuary you actually WANT to sit next to at a dinner party!"