IHLA 2024 Spring Conference
Thursday, April 25, 2024
Friday, April 26, 2024
Thursday AM General Session
People Centric Session - Multiplying Influence for Exponential Impact
There is a difference between management and leadership. When people are promoted to management roles, rarely do we take the time to discuss, train, or develop the leader part of management. The best leaders understand that leadership is, simply, influence. Understanding the importance of influence, how we influence
others, and how we use that influence for ourselves will make us exponentially better leaders. The People Centric framework guides participants to identify their biggest strength and their biggest opportunities in the areas of People, Process, Management, Communication, and Strategy.
The participants will be able to:
- Identify areas of strength and areas of opportunities based on the People Centric Framework
- Find best practices for determining and leveraging your key strengths and passions
- Discuss influence and the exponential power of motivation
- Understand how to influence others while holding them accountable Develop a set of goals that will allow you to know when you are winning
Thursday PM General Session
People Centric Session - Humble Leadership
When we ask people to describe good leaders, oftentimes the same words appear: strong, confident, decisive, determined, driven, and detailed. But data shows us that the thing that people value the most from a good leader is "vulnerability". However,
being vulnerable is often in direct opposition to the other words people use for leadership.
We discuss how the best leaders lean into vulnerability and identify key tactics to increase humility while not sacrificing the ability to hold others accountable to high standards and company goals.
The participants will be able to:
- Understand why people value humility in leadership
- Discuss when humility and confidence can clash with one another
- Determine when to use humility in leadership roles
- Identify some key tactics to improve your ability to be vulnerable, humble, and influential as a leader
Friday AM Keynote/Closing Session
People Centric Session - Heroes and Villians
We all love a good story. Whether it is at the movies, on Netflix, or a book you can't put down, humans are conditioned to enjoy the art of storytelling. But did you know that each person has their own version of each story? Communication experts have determined that how we interpret a story paints our perception of reality. Additionally, our perceived experiences alter our interpretations of future experiences and interactions with others. This oftentimes leads us to be the hero in our own story and makes others the villains.
The participants will be able to:
- Learn about the concept of Narrative Paradigms Discuss the nature of intent and assigning intent to the actions of others
- Identify the importance of understanding how our perceptions paint our reality
- Consider how perceived injustices can impact a team or a coworker
- Discuss ways to shift your own narrative paradigm and recognize when others have a false paradigm about you
The Presenters:
Don Harkey
Don Harkey is sought-after for his business insights in multiple industries. As a former engineer, Don brings a unique perspective to every organization he works with; he views every business as a machine and that machine is perfectly designed to get the results that it is currently getting. As the CEO of People Centric, Don loves to help people adjust their machine to produce better results. He is highly strategic, process driven, and an engaging Keynote Speaker
Matt Griswold
Keynote Speaker/Workshop Facilitator
Matt Griswold is an accomplished Keynote speaker that thrives on facilitating people and is energized by participation from the groups he is engaging. In his role with People Centric, he works to transform company cultures. He also enjoys helping companies define what success looks like for the individuals that work there. Matt's leadership philosophy is this: Everyone is a leader, so lead them well.